
  Puja Bhakti:

Dawn and GerardGerard Gatz and Dawn Beck of Tantric Sacred Journeys bring you Puja Bhakti; A Sacred Devotional Circle.

Come celebrate the Divine Presence that is in all of us in a sacred, interactive, fun and safe environment. Throughout the evening's sacred and playful interactions, you will learn how to bring Tantric love, joy and awakening into your everyday life. We all deserve to feel fully alive, loved and connected with ourselves and others. By opening our hearts (even a little bit), we invite unconditional love to be present. Wear comfy clothes. Each month will have a different focus.




When:  TBA

Location: Niwot, CO

Time:  7-10PM
           Doors open at 6:30PM and will be CLOSED at 7PM.  Being on time honors us and those attending.

Cost:  $40 for Singles
          $69 for Couple (Bring a friend and pay as a couple!)
Contact Us  for more information or questions OR to register. We would appreciate you registering for the puja in advance.


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